Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg | Children, Young People and Education Committee

Gwaith dilynol ar Ymchwiliad y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg i Wasanaethau Mabwysiadu yng Nghymru | Follow-up to Children, Young People and Education Committee’s Inquiry into Adoption Services in Wales


AS 01

Ymateb gan : Rhiant sy’n Mabwysiadu

Response from : Adoptive Parent

Consultation questions

Overview Question

What are your views in the Welsh Government’s progress in respect of the 16 recommendations and the 25 ‘detailed actions’ set out on pages 5-11 of the Committee's report.


Question 1

What are your views on the recruitment, assessment and preparation of adopter parents?


How could this be improved?


Question 2

What is your experience of and view of the matching process and support for the transition?


How could this be improved?


Question 3

Do you think there is sufficient information and support for children and young people including access to quality life-story work?

Lifestory work is patchy at best.  There still seems to be a belief that once placed all will be okay with love and appropriate boundaries.  Lifestory still very much seems to be an after thought.

How could this be improved?

By making it a priority.  By recognising that – regardless of a child’s age at placement – they will, at one point want to know their history and genetics.  But that lifestory work has to be undertaken by a professional who understands what he/she is doing.  And that’s not necessarily a role best undertaken by a sw – but by a therapist.

Question 4

What post-adoption support for children, young people and families (including from social services, education, health and mental health services) is available and what more could be done in this area?

Ha!  I’ve just requested an Assessment of Need for my rather complex child.  A sw came out and spent three hours with me.  We talked through various options and what I thought we may need.  3 months passed with no contact.  I emailed, I called.  Eventually I got an email suggesting two things which they had to offer – neither of which were appropriate but which were/may be available.  So, in effect, my child was being asked to fit in with what was available rather than any therapy being offered for her specific needs.  Utterly pointless.   No formal report either.


My daughter has ASD – diagnosed at 7.  Moved from a non supportive school to one that does support.  Currently has 10 hours 1-1 support and – hopefully – in the process of being statemented.  Support from school has been excellent. 


Found out recently that PDG has now been extended to previously LAC.  Hurray.  And so it should be.  A child’s needs and issues do not disappear on placement and it’s about time this has finally been recognised. 


Mental health – appalling.  Referred to Camhs in December 2014.  Finally have an appointment in November – suspect tier 1 or 2 which I don’t believe is approrpriate. 


Two of my children are diagnosed ASD.  There is no support on offer from anywhere.  Not camhs, not paeds.  Zero.

My son is also adhd.  He is seen by Camhs once every six months for medication review.  Nothing else.


Camhs service is utterly appalling.  I had reason to complain recently as our Camhs decided to restrict prescription collection to a two hour time slot – between 2 and 4 pm – once a week.  Utterly ridiculous.  Convenient for them but hardly convenient for parents who are likely to be doing the school run.


GP will not write prescriptions so not an option.  Pharmacies will not do collection.

How could this be improved?

By offering a service?  By fitting the offer to meet the needs of the child not merely offering what they have at the moment – without any regard to the needs of the specific child.


In my case post adoption support for my child is non existent. 

Question 5

Are there any other issues you wish to draw to the Committee’s attention?

Once you adopt, you’re on your own.  Pretty much that’s it.


In England you have the ASF, you have Pupil Premium Plus.  What do we have in Wales?  Pfft.